Friday, September 24, 2010

My day at my first Spa

I was a young 19-year-old girl when I experienced my first spa experience. It was the week of my birthday and I had no expectations for my birthday other than having a small dinner and then going dancing. I finished my last class of my Wednesday classes and I was surprised by one of my friends. He showed up in his car outside my class and asked me to get in. He had a surprise. I sat in the car in complete anxiousness as to what was going on and where we were going. We took a turn and slowly pulled up to a day spa. My face lit up and I couldn’t believe I would be going to a spa for the first time. As a young girl growing up I was more of a tomboy and did not pamper myself or take on my girly ways until college but I was still at a stage where I would never pay for such a service. I entered the spa and the experience began..

Walking in the office felt clean but comfortable. I was greeted very warmly and with smiles. Immediately I had a feeling of happiness and good service. A smile can go a long way and they are contagious. They lead me to a room and instructed me on the events of my plan that my friend had paid for. They gave me clear instructions and made sure I was comfortable to ask questions and not be afraid to put a request for anything I needed. Each step of the way I was given complete instructions and they were delivered in a relaxed manner in which I could understand easily. When a consumer feels comfortable with a product or service they are more likely to enjoy it. They are capable of laying back and not being tense or stressed. I had a three-step process at the spa.

The first step was to get a facial in which the employee had me relax. Once she noticed I would engage in conversation she made sure to engage in conversation with me. It made me more comfortable because silence between me and another person becomes awkward to me and she quickly realized to make me comfortable she has to talk to me. We had light conversation and she took great interest in all that I had to say and at the same time she made me feel completely relaxed. I then moved to the next stage in which I was given a full body massage. This was different the conversation was one sided and it was the employee educating me on the process she was performing and for what reasons. I learned a lot about my body and what type of products and oils she was using and it was nice to know as she went what the reasons behind the type of massage she was doing were for. The last stage was a manicure, which was the same with her informing on the process, but she also allowed for me to talk as well.

The overall experience was amazing. I had never experienced such a thing in my life! I loved it! A friend gave the pampering that I would have originally not even thought of to pay for to me. My mindset was thinking that I would be wasting money on something I would not take home with me but indeed I did. The experience left me relaxed and at ease. Today I would pay for a service like that because I have experienced it and I found it very beneficial.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Me, Myself and Monali

Today in our Customer Insights and Experiences class we learned a starting point for marketers to create a foundation on to begin the marketing process. This step pertains specifically to segmenting a market and being able to use that information to form a product or service to appeal to that target market. Developing a persona for your target market is very important. This gives the marketer a starting point to find out what type of product would make life easier for that segment of the market. In an attempt to create a better understanding of what a persona is, I have been asked to create one on myself. This process will allow you as the reader to understand my lifestyle and how you can generalize certain characteristics about me across a broader range of people.

As Wikipedia would say it:

“As used in the design field, the Persona is an artifact that consists of a narrative relating to a desired user or customer's daily behavior patterns, using specific details, not generalities.”

Me, Myself and Monali

Monali is a 22-year old University of Texas senior. She has a major in finance and a minor in fashion design but has a love for marketing. She is a creative mind waiting to burst out and show the world the innovation capabilities that she has but has not explored yet. Her parents were born in India and moved as a young couple to the U.S. She was born and raised in Texas but has the culture and ideals of both Indian and American culture. She is a bit of a free spirit and loves life to its fullest which brings out her creative side.

Hobbies such as sport, sewing, designing, drawing, painting, knitting, and craft making skills come naturally to her. She enjoys these activities as leisure activities giving her a chance to release her imaginative mind that is suppressed by the finance classes that are chose by her family. She is captain of her dance team and likes to combine her creativity and dance in one by combining music mixes, dance outfits, and choreography as an out to the hard life.

With this said she keeps computers that have software to mix music, design graphics, and provide applications to assess in school as important. An ipod and music download sites are a must. Materials needed to quench her thirst for the arts and sewing must be available for her to release any stress on. She needs her own room in her apartment but loves to share everything due to living in a big family. She is a very large socialite and must throw good parties and needs an apartment that brings friends to her place with games, nice furniture, and an atmosphere that keeps people coming in an out to visit. Catering to her friends is important so she is willing to out of her way to cook for people and provide to go boxes and uses a lot of tougher wear. Living with roommates her stuff clutters and space is important so managing everything in an organized way is difficult.

Overall she is a very talented person with great potential but needs direction and organization in life.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Product Design Example

Design Philosophy I believe is that of in depth research and experience.  Companies need to mold their products to what the consumers actually need.  By conducting research in person and online companies are better able to provide needs for consumers in a better effective way.  One example I have come across is with college students.  Companies found out what issues college students were having.  Heavy backpacks that were burdened with books and laptops that were bringing about harder days in class and problems with keeping all the materials together was a good issue to look at.  Apple decided that it would be great to research further into this issue.  When researchers take the time to physically observe issues occurring daily among multiple people they can identify a new opportunity for product design.

I have noticed that recently the IPAD has come out. It is known but never brought out that products need to be comfortable to consumers.  One product I have noticed that combines innovation and technology is the Apples IPAD.  The product is an excellent example of what innovation within a brand is.  It is basically an IPhone on protein shakes.  It combines all the capabilities of a computer and pairs it with a new look for what could be considered a computer or laptop.  It does have limited features to its size but it makes up for it with the software and technology that it does provide.  This product allows students to download their textbooks onto their IPAD and they would be able to bring it to class, the library, and various other places with ease.  This lightweight product condenses books, notes, papers, assignments and various other school related tasks into one device that is easy to transport and carry.

The product also completes the look that Apple gives its products.  It has a sleek soft look that is one of an IPhone but gives a comfort look to a new innovative product that has been released recently.  The features and how the touch screen positions its buttons provide an easy way to work the product.  A child would be able to use this product with ease as well as an adult.  The customization that it offers its clients makes the customers more comfortable with it adapting to their lifestyle and be able to use it their way efficiently.